
Posts Tagged ‘Valentine’s Day’

I don’t know what’s up with the mom’s in Texas – maybe someone could explain it to me. My friend from Houston just sent me this picture of a Valentine iPod. At first I thought it was a real iPod and concluded that you crazy Texans have too much money.  But it is worse. This cute replica is hand-made by wrapping a box of Sweethearts in paper, attaching string and Hershey’s kisses for earplugs, and adding controls and a love song play list to make it complete.

Who is this super woman?  Does she fly and see though walls too?

Here, on the other hand, is Dalai Daniel’s Valentines.  Please note that I couldn’t endure the complaining and body thrashing that would have accompanied making this child hand write his name 25 times.  Furthermore, I was quite comfortable with my dismal formatting job and felt confident that 6-year-olds wouldn’t catch the lost H and L.  The gist was in the gummy hearts.

I like to blame everything I can’t accomplish on having four kids. I was ready to forgive my Valentines inadequacies and pat myself on the back for the ingenious use of my leftover address labels, when I read my friends second email.

Super Woman made the iPod Valentines for her youngest of 4 children.

Well, at least my candy doesn’t taste like dried up denture cream.

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I have never been a big Valentine’s Day supporter.  I don’t like the calendar telling me when I have to express my love to my husband.  It has always felt a little forced.  So, I called Valentine’s Day off this year.  I didn’t call off my true and undying love for my husband, just the perfunctory flowers and Hallmark card.

I let Dalai Dan off the flower hook more for me, to tell you the truth.  The precious man, no matter how many times I have told him a few flowers will do, insists on ordering immense funeral-like flower sprays that requires me to rearrange furniture.  If I hadn’t already put the Christmas tree stand away, I may have let him express his overflowing love for me. It’s simply too big for a few flowers, I understand.

I absolutely adore him for that.

But seeing as I just threw away the last lily from my birthday pageant bouquet that lasted two weeks and required a permit, I feel secure his love for me.  I know I’m his Miss Universe.

Just like he is my night in shining armor.  The love of my life.  My best friend. My confidant.  My sweet Dalai Dan.

I love you, Double D!

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